Secret Brownie knowledge


When I was a Brownie (ages 6-9), I learned how to garden by growing a carrot or potato by putting it in water until shoots grew from the bottom and then planting it in the soil.  One of my friends, who is of an earlier generation than me, had also learned this in Brownies.  When I mentioned this gardening technique to a coworker who gardens and she had never heard of it, I realized that maybe it was secret Brownie knowledge.

Recently, I learned from Pinterest that you can do the same thing with celery and lettuce. But I just stuck my lettuce stump in my plant pot and got new growth in 3 days as opposed to the 2 weeks using the water method.  I’ve never grown lettuce this way so it’s kind of exciting.  I am dazzled by how quickly it is growing.

I cannot have a garden of my own because I love in an apartment building without a balcony of my own. I have considered container gardening but there is no spot in my apartment that gets “full sun”.  Depending on the success of my lettuce, I may give it a try anyway.

Live on,


Posted on May 11, 2015, in Gardening, Regarding childhood and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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